
Latest release: v0.2 | Date: November 13, 2002

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[snowm0d] v0.2 - November 13, 2002
[snowm0d] can now replace the .GET Search dialog. The new search dialog lets you filter out results from the [snowm0d] search results dialog. To use: /snowmod search I'm working on new features for this thing, so keep checking back for updates and stuff.

[snowm0d] v0.1.2 - November 8, 2002
It seems i've made quite a few stupid mistakes when coding this. Good thing nobody really uses this yet. Oh well, thats what beta's are for, right? This release fixes a major issue, and another not-so-major. So give this release a download and hopefully it'll fix all issues you may be having.

[snowm0d] v0.1.1 - November 7, 2002
This small update resolves an issue that occurs when you have a space in the path to snowm0d. Dont bother downloading unless this specific problem occurs for you.

About: [snowm0d] replaces the .GET search results dialog with a vastly improved one, and allows for search results to have certain search filters with the improved search dialog. With [snowm0d] the search results dialog is now resizable, and displays results in a much better way (look at the screenshot to see what i mean). [snowm0d] is NOT final code. It may contain bugs and stuff. Dont come whining to me with "your script sucks!" "[snowm0d] melted my computer!" and the like. Rather, if you notice any bugs kindly let me know and i'll fix them sooner or later. Also, constructive criticism is welcome. [snowm0d] is not feature complete. There will be new features and updates fairly soon, so be sure to check back often.

Installation Instructions for Stupid People: Download the script, and unzip it to somewhere in your mIRC directory. It'll create a subdirectory called snowmod and put all it's shit in there. Now, go into mIRC and type /load -rs snowmod\snowmod.mrc . Hopefully, if you have the path correct, this will load the script. To use it, search for something like you normall would with .GET, and when you think the search is complete, type /snowmod in mIRC, or select [snowm0d] from one of the menus.

Note: I realise that its kind of a drag to have to type /snowmod after the search has completed, but unfortunately the creator of #Betas.GET is a bitch and won't allow modifications to be made to the .GET core files, and thats the only practical way (that i can think of) to be able to make it work without the /snowmod command.

Email: Email me @ alexlong77@hotmail.com with bugs, feature requests, etc.